It wasn’t until 24 March 2020 that abortion was decriminalised in New Zealand. On this date Parliament voted for radical reforms to abortion legislation. Up until these law changes, abortion was considered a criminal act, and needed the consent of two health practitioners before an abortion could take place. Abortion fell under the Crimes Act 1961 and the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977, pieces of legislation well over forty years old.
The new piece of legislation, the Abortion Legislation Act 2020 now considers abortion a health issue with the Ministry of Health responsible for abortion services. The old laws were updated to remove some of the access barriers for abortion, to widen the availability and give women greater choice of abortion services. Previously a pregnant person needed a doctor’s referral to an abortion service and an abortion had to be performed in a licensed premise such as a hospital or abortion clinic. Women could often wait weeks for an abortion and it was difficult for pregnant people living outside of the main centres to find two certifying health professionals.
Now you can make contact with your local abortion service yourself without any referral. Abortion services can now be provided by telehealth or primary care.
Types of Abortion Available
In New Zealand in 2021, just over 13,000 abortion procedures took place and this number has been consistent for a few years. In New Zealand there are two types of abortion available to end a pregnancy:
In New Zealand in 2021, just over 13,000 abortion procedures took place and this number has been consistent for a few years. In New Zealand there are two types of abortion available to end a pregnancy:
1. Medical – two different medicines are taken over 24 to 48 hours
2. Surgical – a minor operation is performed.
The type of abortion depends on how many weeks pregnant you are, your personal medical history, and whether you may need access to support or emergency medical care. There is an increasing trend of Early Medical Abortion (EMA) procedures with a decreasing number of surgical abortions performed.
Early Medical Abortion
Early Surgical Abortion
Once a pregnancy is beyond 20 weeks, a qualified health professional can provide an abortion if they believe it is clinically appropriate. The physical and mental health and wellbeing of the pregnant person as well as the foetal gestational age is considered. A second health professional must also be consulted for a pregnancy over 20 weeks.
The National Abortion Telehealth Service was established at the time of the law changes. It can connect you to abortion advice, information, counselling and telehealth EMA. It can be accessed regardless of who you are or where you live. Telehealth services can be easier for people who find it difficult to visit a doctor or clinic if they live rurally, have privacy concerns or are not comfortable visiting a medical professional. DECIDE will connect you with a clinician specialised in abortion care and is available 24/7. There is a choice to have EMA medicines couriered to you or able to be picked up by a pharmacy.
To find abortion support or information, contact:
This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The information contained in the blog and in any linked materials, are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
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