The Importance Of Vitamin C
In Our Diet

Renée Naturally Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist & Western Medical Herbalist

Did you know that human beings are among only a handful of animal species that cannot produce their own supply of Vitamin C? Vitamin C is one super important natural nutrient, and because the body cannot manufacture Vitamin C itself, it must be obtained through diet or by way of supplementation. As winter has truly kicked in, our bodies are more susceptible to colds and flu, making it even more important to ensure adequate vitamin C intake over the colder season. 

This essential vitamin boosts our immune system and helps fight off winter illnesses, ensuring we keep snotty noses at bay this season! Consuming Vitamin C-rich foods should be high on our dietary priority list, especially over winter, for many reasons, including boosting the immune system, neutralizing free radicals, rebuilding tissue, bones, and blood vessels, and increasing the body’s ability to synthesize calcium and other minerals.

Alcohol, analgesics (pain-killing drugs), antidepressants, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, and steroids may reduce levels of vitamin C in the body. Smoking also causes a serious depletion of vitamin C. Men need approximately 90 mg daily and women approximately 75mg.

Incorporating the following list of high vitamin C foods can help to super-C-charge your diet. And you may be surprised…although oranges are commonly seen as the top vitamin C food, they don’t actually have the highest levels per gram compared to some other foods!


One of the most popular types of berries in the world, strawberries are extremely high in Vitamin C. Whether fresh or froze, strawberries are an easy (and tasty!). source of vitamin C and can be used in smoothies, salads, and, of course, desserts.


Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit are bursting with a powerful Vitamin C punch.  One medium orange has 70mg! A small glass of orange juice has up to 93mg of vitamin C, and a small glass of grapefruit juice has up to 70 mg of vitamin C.


Packed with more vitamin C than their equivalent weight in oranges, one medium kiwifruit contains approximately 120% of our daily needs! Nutritionist’s hint…gold kiwifruit are even higher in Vitamin C than green, and you can eat the skin also – meaning a fiber hit at the same time. Win-win!


For the best absorption of this nutrient, add them to dishes in their raw form.  Half a cup of raw red capsicum holds approximately 140 mg of vitamin C. All capsicums are high in Vitamin C, but yellow and red peppers are higher than green. 


Dark leafy greens
Kale, mustard greens, watercress, silver beet, turnip greens and spinach are all great Vitamin C foods to add to your diet. While all of these green veges are beneficial and provide different amounts of this essential nutrient, kale cuts the mustard in terms of highest amount of C!


This commonly used vegetable contains its fair share of vitamin C. One serving of this OG superfood has over 90 mg of Vitamin C. When it is overcooked, it loses some of its nutrients, so steaming is best.



While not as bright as some of the other foods we associate with being high in Vitamin C, cauliflower holds its own with this essential nutrient. Just one cup of cauliflower will give you approximately 46 mg. Any excuse to eat the myriad of delicious roast cauliflower recipes out there, am I right?


Eating tomatoes is a common way that many people consume vitamin C. Try using sun-dried tomatoes as they have particularly concentrated levels. Just one serving of 100 grams holds over 100 mg of Vitamin C. Obviously tomatoes are pretty expensive in the winter, so top up your dose with canned tomatoes (sans added sugar/salt) Too easy!


Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs such as chives, thyme, coriander, basil, and parsley are also high in Vitamin C. Just one cup of fresh parsley has over 130 mg of Vitamin C. Fresh is always best, as herbs and fruits have their highest vitamin C content the closer they are to being picked. Get into the habit of sprinkling fresh herbs over your food instead of salt! 

Ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin C is crucial for maintaining optimal health, especially during the winter months when our immune systems need extra support. By incorporating a variety of these vibrant, vitamin C-rich foods into your daily diet, you can enhance your body’s natural defences, support tissue repair, and boost overall vitality. Remember, fresh is always best, and the closer to the source, the higher the vitamin content. The exception is snap-frozen fruit veges – these are pleasingly high in vitamin content! Strawberries year round…yes please!


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