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How To Avoid Being Bitten By A Dog

Tips to help you avoid a dog attack or injury if you encounter an aggressive dog

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What to do if you have a fearful dog

It can be very upsetting if you have a dog that’s fearful of people, other dogs, specific noises or particular experiences.

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Using Other Dogs to Help Train Your Dog

Imagine how good it would be if your dog could train themselves…?! Not quite possible yet, however they CAN help train each other!

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Why We Can't Treat Dogs Like Humans (Even Though They're Part of the Family!)

Dogs have undoubtedly earned their place as members of our families, and it’s natural to feel a strong emotional bond with our dogs.

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How pets can help with daily mindfulness

Mindfulness is one of the most transformative changes you can make in your life, and one unexpected source of mindful practice is our pets!

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How pets contribute to the health of the family (or otherwise!)

Pets are more than just companions, they are essential parts of the family and have the power to enhance our lives in numerous ways.

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Mobility Dogs

Since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Tina’s had to adjust to life in a wheelchair while coping with other symptoms too: reduced...

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